2.5 A “Perspectives” Speech Exam.

The most confusing thing I have ever encountered has got to be the emotional part of our brain. Hello everyone, I am Logan Lambert and today I shall be explaining to you all how easy it is to stuff up your emotions, and get confused over all of them. In particular, I shall be describing to you all the perspectives of happiness and sadness. 

To begin, let me tell you a story of a person I know, who stuffed up their emotions to a rather bad degree. This person somehow got this idea into their head when they were young: “I should smile constantly, then I will look better”, which lead to them always smiling. Then they encountered a few mental problems, leading to something like depression, where they forgot what all of their emotions felt like, and add to the fact that they forgot why they always smiled, they thought this: “Since I’m always smiling for some unknown reason, I should be feeling happy right now, yeah? Great to know I am always happy, 100% of the time!” They weren’t happy. Took a few years for him to realise from the moment he first started thinking he was happy; a slightly sad experience where they knew they should be sad; and the decision that they were smiling far too much; to realise this: “This feeling I am constantly experiencing, isn’t it very similar to when I was sad just now? Wait, doesn’t that mean I’m always sad?!” So they learnt that they were experiencing something like sadness constantly. However, here’s the annoying thing that you might of forgotten, they forgot what every single emotion felt like. Because of this, they don’t know how to fix their emotional state. And so they have to guess and experiment with their emotions to try and figure them out. And this is why this speech will be written, because this person I know shouldn’t be the only one that has forgotten what all their emotions feel like. Others will most likely need help to figure out what each one feels like, and I need to get you all to realise this. I also realise that you too might not even of noticed how stuffed up your emotional well being is. None of us will know until you bother to check.

I will now talk about emotions from the perspectives of  happiness and sadness. These two emotions are very important to our well being, and each emphasize the other, following the expression: “You have to experience sadness to know happiness”, which in turn means that you must experience happiness to know sadness. And even though they are so important, they still have problems, for instance: If you’re too often happy you’re a maniac, if you’re too often sad then you’re depressed, and if you switch back and forth between these two, you are bipolar. These emotions can even be confused for each other if your not aware of what each one feels like and no one ever properly explains; which is why today I shall be explaining what they feel like in your head, and hopefully remove a bit of the confusion. 

The definition for happiness when you search it up is: “happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.”  So that would mean that happiness can be felt in a number of different ways, and in differing intensities. I guess, simply put, happiness is a good feeling, one that clears up your head, and lets you enjoy life(Puts a spring in your step, and a fresh outlook on life). If you don’t know what it is like to enjoy something, then I’m sorry, but I can’t come up with any other explanation. There is no other way to explain happiness besides this.

Sadness when searched up is this: “Sadness is an emotional pain associated with, or characterized by, feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and sorrow.” Which is all of the different names for different types of sadness one can feel. What do these feel like? Easy! It is a constant smothering feeling, which stops thoughts from working, makes you rather lethargic, and it seems like a large spike is being twisted around inside of your head(The spike in the heart is guilt, or possibly a feeling of loneliness since no one cares about you. Could also be something just wrong with your heart in general too.). Basically, sadness/depression sucks. Not to say that it isn’t an important feeling, but that doesn’t change how bad it feels. However, sadness is still important, as it can help to remove stress, clear up your judgements of people, and even help with social interactions. And without it, how are you ever going to enjoy being happy?

Please keep in mind that everyones brains work differently. This means that I don’t know what a emotion might feel like for you, no one can. In fact because of this, the only way for everyone to figure out what an emotion feels like is to experiment with them. See what you feel like when you are supposed to feel sad; see what you feel like when your supposed to feel happy. Do this for as many emotions as possible, and learn just how your emotions work. Who knows, you might just discover you have emotional problems. It might also get you wondering a few things about your emotions, like whether or not you can even trust these emotions of yours. And you might even discover that you can actually trust your own brain to make correct judgements when it comes to emotions, which really shows how lucky your are. And if you can’t trust your brain, then it really shouldn’t come as a surprize. If it does come as a surprise, then that truly shows how damaged our idea-of-what-emotions-feel-like is.

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